She is finished! And because of the arrival of my new camera, I was able to take some photos of her!
Many more photos to come. I am really pleased with how she turned out!
Shes a big baby, about 22-23 inches, I haven't actually had the time to measure her yet but will confirm her size with the next lot of photos. I do know however that she fits 3-6 month clothing as well as some 0-3 month clothing.
So I have been waiting for my new camera to arrive, seen as I recently accidentally broke my other...darn it...
So I upgraded to a Canon EOS Rebel T1i 500D...and it came today so I just HAD to try it out...I took these very late at's....BUGGY!!
She is still a work in progress as I have one more leg to sculpt...but isn't she just the sweetest!I hope to get this one reproduced into silicone to display and sell at this coming Idex January 2011!
Bonjour, I am Bonnie Brown the artist behind The Bonnie Brown Collection. I am the eldest of ten children and was home educated from the age of eight. This is what I want to do with my life, I want to be a world renown sculptor. I am starting off with babies as I love everything about them, expressions, movement and life!
I like my sculptures to be incredibly lifelike, and find with every new creation they become even more lifelike its creepy. The year 2010 I have decided will be my turn to shine, I am aiming to achieve as much as I can through my art before my 21st birthday in 2011. I love what I do and enjoy sharing it with others.