Monday, December 28, 2009

Colliii Tv!

A few weeks ago I was contacted by James of asking if I would like to do an interview for Colliii tv.
I said I would be honored so a couple of weeks later James and Petra gave me a call!
At the time of the phone call I had a terrible throat infection and kept losing my voice.     Needless to say the video came out okay.

In this episode Petra and James speak to the young doll sculptor Bonnie Brown. Bonnie tells of her plans to go to the IDEX doll show, her new silicon dolls and more...


  1. The interview is great. I understood everything (no german translation needed LOL)
    I love your little CHANCE. His face is perfect, his lips.... I have no word for it :) You are a fantastic SCULPTOR and FRIEND!
    HUGS xoxo

  2. Wow, that's great! Well done! I am so amazed by your work, you truly have an amazing talent!
